NEW TRANSPORTATION SERVICE TO COVER BAY SECTION OF CITY A new chapter in the history of transportation in the Philippines will be written tomorrow when the Manila Motor Coach, Inc., inaugurates its double-deck bus service on Dewey Boulevard and neighboring streets. While the bus is designed primarily for sight-seeing purposes, it will engage in general passenger service. A number of city and public service commission officials have been invited to attend the inauguration tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 1, at 11 o'clock in the morning. The idea of providing Manila residents with a modern and up-to-date two-deck bus was the result of a study made by Sebastian Palanca, local businessman and sportsman, who is the head of the company, of the transportation problem in Manila as compared with the facilities found in modern cities in the different parts of the world. It is hoped to augment the service with another bus within 45 days. The Matorco double deck coach is an all-steel vehicle, designed ...